Active Forgiveness
christian bringolf christian bringolf

Active Forgiveness

“Forgiveness is weakness. This unfortunately is the more dominant understanding of how our culture looks at forgiveness. This is not a virtue that is seen as an admirable or imitable quality. Many people subscribe to the idea that if someone hurts you, you get revenge on them.“

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Your Morality Won’t Save You.
christian bringolf christian bringolf

Your Morality Won’t Save You.

Morality and being good is not the thing that gets you closer to God or into heaven. If God is not interested in me being good, then what does he want from me?

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He is Risen!
christian bringolf christian bringolf

He is Risen!

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has risen and today we remember his defeating of evil so we may have hope eternal.

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Make No Room for Bitterness in Your Marriage
christian bringolf christian bringolf

Make No Room for Bitterness in Your Marriage

Bitterness is a relational cancer in your marriage. Our response to bitterness starts with where our relationship with Christ is. Only Christ can eradicate our bitterness.

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